Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Photographer Spotlight: Martin Prihoda

This weeks photographer spotlight is on Vancouver based creative editorial, corporate and fashion portraiture photographer Martin Prihoda. This video was already posted over on Strobist but it's a great watch that everyone should see. In the video Martin shares some behind the scenes info, his feelings about giving back to the photographic community and also throws in little photo humor for good measure. If you've got some extra time be sure to check out his website (nice music!) for some great images.

Because this is the first post I don't really expect much discussion, to be honest I don't expect any discussion at all. But in the future I plan on this becoming a regular feature of Modern Imagemaking with us eventually interviewing the photographers being covered. So if and when we have some readers, here is my question: What did you find most significantly different about Martin and his methods? Do you like his style? Would you consider him on the cutting edge?

Because I don't want this site to be all about me and what I think, I'm going to sit back and keep my big mouth shut! This is all about you voicing your opinion. I already do that enough by bringing these photographers to your attention. I can't wait to see what you think!

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